Sunday, June 7, 2009
Transition and New Challenges
As this school year came to an end I had bittersweet feelings. As my Pre K students graduated I was so proud of them and their accomplishments but it also reminded me it would be my last Pre K graduation for a while. God finally got it through my stubborn head that it was time for me to rest. I officially gave my notice in late April in the aftermath of a wicked nearly week-long spell of a migraine that required a trip to the doctor for medicine. This following a month long episode with a sinus infection requiring bigger drugs for longer durations than it had in the past. Knowing me that was a big deal. It was all stress related. I get the occassional headache NOT migraines ever and being sick. Seriously! When your husband tells you he doesn't know what to do bc he hasn't seen you this way in 13 years of marriage, you know something's up. I finally listened and God has allowed me the privledge of staying home to care for my children and the house we live in. All of us need some TLC after the ride we've endured the last few years. God will continue to lead me through a purging process of things I don't need (on all fronts: spiritually, physically,emotionally...). It has been a long time in coming. God tells us His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I am so looking forward to that.
Awards and Last Day of School 2008/2009
The 4th grade classes had relay races. Here is Ethan's class/team doing a relay with summer items. Each person had to carry all this stuff (sunglasses, sand bucket, beach ball, etc...) run around a cone and get back and trade it all off to the next person in line. Of course whichever class went through their people first won. This relay was interrupted by the 5th grade "Last Walk" ceremony just before the dismissal bell rang . Time sure flew as they were having fun!
Perfect Attendance (first one) and Good Citizen (again!)
Ethan received his awards the next day: A/B Honor Roll (again!) and Perfect Attendance (first)
Ethan received his awards the next day: A/B Honor Roll (again!) and Perfect Attendance (first)
Daddy surprised Ethan by attending the ceremony which was a special treat for E. after such a rough year
We are proud of both of you!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Buddy the Blessing
Buddy has changed our lives and turned us upside down. The optimist in me was in denial as to what I was getting myself into the day we adopted a cute warm and sleepy 7 week old puppy. The realist in me quickly shook me to my senses. Buddy is one of those tools God uses/allows to bring about growth. Buddy has been God's way of showing me not to give up: "what is worth the prize is always worth the fight". God never gives up on us and loves us in spite of our rough edges, lack of manners/knowledge and immaturity. He doesn't mutter naughty words under His breathe when we "bite" him or ruin too many pairs of pants and shirts with puppy teeth holes, or ever threaten to give us away when we don't measure up to unattainable expectations. He never places more on us than we truly can handle and He never wishes we weren't His. Buddy is a puppy and it definitely shows more on some days than others. However, through the right balance of instruction and boundaries always supported by love we have seen Buddy's personality and abilities revealed more and more. How much more does God do that with us? I will enjoy the blessing of a puppy.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Buddy Now
There he is!
Buddy is now 4 months and at times a puppy terror. We started him in puppy training which has saved our sanity and his life on some days. ;) It wasn't just us, he was a handful with the trainer.
(All my Facebook posts were not me being whiney.)
The trainer has a great way with Buddy and has taught us so much on how to deal with him.
The lightweight methods are not for "Mr. Stubborn".
He is a lot like Ethan in some uncanny ways.
Buddy LOVES his people and will do just about anything to be with us. Buddy and I have declared a truce and now sit on the sofa and share a bag of carrots while watching t.v. It's our thing. As he has grown more of his sweet personality has emerged. After all he is just being what he is - a puppy.
Field Day at School
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