Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Emily's birthday is technically in October. However, this child has been requesting a pool party in the summer months for as long as either her daddy or I can remember. She specifically wanted it at the Rock 'N River. If nothing else Emily knows what she wants. Emily is her own person right down to her wolf cake and hand delivered invites (I would have gone the way of Evite myself). I love that about her. I finally found a copyright free photo and HEB did their thing. Emily had a great time. The weather was just right. Labor Day weekend was a true celebration for us. Happy 7th Birthday Emily!
After Party Snack -Yummy!
Emily and Rachel

The Gang is ALL here - where's Emily!
She and Rachel were waiting to tube on the lazy river.

PRESENTS! Friends are the best presents :)

Jacob, Emily and Rachel

Can you see them in about five years - TROUBLE!

Jake and Cake ;0)

Making a wish!

Emily and her wolf cake

At HEB picking up her cake.

Spa Treatment & Dinner Combo

So this picture just cracks me up. Ethan and two of his buddies wer eating dinner with us after we attended an amatuer hockey game. Salad and spaghetti was on the menu. One of Ethan's friends picks up two cucumber slices from his plate and asks if this what people use at spas. I confirmed that it was. They proceeded to place the cucumbers on their eyes. I wasn't quick enough to get their pics but managed to snap one of Emily...silly kids. :)


Texas has endured a 2 year drought and this past summer was one day short of a tie to be the hottest on record. 67 days of 100+ degree weather will eventually make you crazier than a June Bug. The lakes are low as low and we are on phase 2 and 4 water restrictions - some counties worse than others. Trees dying in Zilker and elsewhere. Overall just harsh. All summer rain has passed over our area as if we had a shield over us! It was maddening and got to be a running joke about the dome overhead. Well, September rolls around and we are one day away from matching the all time hottest record (1927) since record keeping began. So, we get RAIN. It fell for days straight! It was the good soaking kind and brought problems of its own with flash flooding. Regardless, we all relished the wet weather and cooler temps that have managed to stay. When its the low 90's and you think that's a cold snap you know its been a hot summer.

Funny to watch Buddy. He was born in February and hasn't experienced much rain.