Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Silly Faces

~Snow Day 2010 ~
Goofing off with the camera after a good snowball fight.
Not a flattering angle (for me) but the fun was priceless!


We don't often get snow in our part of Central Texas.
When we do we take as many pictures as possible to prove it really happened.
Typically, it all melts by midmorning.
The Day After......
We were stunned to see the snowman still
standing when we all came home from school/work.

Saying goodbye... wait that would be fixing his face. ;)

On the way to school the next morning-
"Mom, wait! I want to walk in the snow."
Crunch. crunch.

Still here!

Wow! The snow ball hasn't
melted and it's almost 10 a.m.

It may have taken almost all the snow in the yard
but a snowman was made.

Snowball Fight!!!

Beautiful Snowflakes!

Just makes you smile :)

~Snow Angel~

Buddy's First Snow :D

Eat it!?

No - Run in it!

Tag! You're it!

I loved the trees where I work.

The view from our house.

"Our house is very very very fine house....."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moments of Being

"God is the giver of good gifts and of healing." I heard that from the mouth of a dj on KLOVE this morning. It made me pause in my actions of making the bed. Those words have never fit so well or been so real to me as they are now. This family has been through so much and to see the blessings flow from God has been astounding. I literally stand there in amazed wonder as I watch Him unfold the beauty of each healing moment when He chooses to reveal it. I never know when God will bring them. I just know without a doubt He does and I watch amazed at Him in action. They are moments of being. There are still weeds that like to sprout their ugliness up now and again but the occurrance is less and less and I love the God who tends this garden.

More often than not in the past few months He has brought people across my path with shared experiences. I am stunned at His thoughful planning and timing for this to take place. It usually involves a minor life change when it happens. He has brought my attentions homeward and He keeps redirecting me back here. I don't know how or what I am suppossed to do. Iwill just keep praying for His wisdom to help others along the way to healing. He is the healer of he broken and wounded. I love for people to see a better ending to the story. Just because it's broken doesn't mean it can't be fixed. Praise God for that!