Wednesday, August 25, 2010

~First Day of School~ 2010

The first day of the 2010/2011 school year went great!. Emily was so excited for school to start. Although she enjoyed summer break she was more than ready to get back to school. Emily has an awesome teacher (again) and more familiar classmates this year. God definitely answered our prayers! Seeing her truly thrive and overcome the challenges from last year has been amazing.
Ethan and middle school agree with one another so far. He is loving his new level of independence. Watching him grow up is bittersweet. I am glad its a gradual process.I am so proud of him and who God is molding him to be.

2nd grade and 6th grade - here we come!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Houla and the Pizza Box

The Houla is a very vocal thing and the saying "The squeeky wheel gets the oil" very much applies to this critter. The only part is we don't (always) give in to the demand no matter how much he squeeks. Usually when I make dinner he is right by my knee and feels he complusion to bark intermitently as if to say "Hurry up!" "Don't forget ME!".
I was making pizza for dinner and place the box by the trash can to go out later. Houla gets a whiff of the pizza box. After a few unsuccesfull attempts at trying to get into the empty box, Houla decides to plop himself on the floor and be patient while I finish up dinner.
He does well for a bit and then I turn around from the sink and see he has scooted himself to the box. The pictures show the progression. It was such a "had to be there moment".

That Houla makes life and bold adventure! :) Closer.....
a little bit closer....



Houla and the Frisbee

So, the Houla needed some play time. We got the frisbee out and skid it across the floor. Buddy chases right after it. However, he could not get it flipped over. He scooted and scratched at that thing like a woman trying to pick up a coin with solar (fake) nails. Oh, did we laugh! Poor thing got so frustrated and started this funny little bark directed at us and the frisbee. That made us laugh even harder. Fun Times with the Houla!

The Bark!

He did it all by himself

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lake Georgetown (July/August 2010)


Lake Georgetown - Russell Park

Rock Throwing

Minnow Patrol

Bottoms Up!

Homeward Bound :)